"The greatest making of the future will be from a small piece of land." Abraham Lincoln

Santa Clara City Council Meeting
May 9, 2006
Friends of BAREC ask for
a 15
minute time slot...Mayor opposed

On May 9th, Linda Perrine, representing Friends of BAREC, asked the City Council for 15 minutes to present an environmentally superior land use for the BAREC property. Council Member Kennedy made a motion to hear a coherent 15 minute presentation, rather than the alternative of having multiple people present 2-3 minutes at a time as Jennifer Sparacino, the City Manager, suggested.

Mayor Mahan talked about subverting the public process and would not stand for it. Twice, she felt the need to express her dissatisfaction with the motion and the fact the City Council was being asked to hear something about a land use from the public. Ultimately, the motion to hear the 15 minute presentation failed 4-2.

Why is the Mayor so nervous about sharing information with the public? Isn't that the job of government?

Introduction/Jennifer Sparacino (City Manager):
> Sparacino's comments suggesting the Council not approve the request for 15 minutes (4 minutes - 2MB)
Linda Perrine Request
> Linda Perrine asking for 15 minutes (3 minutes - 2MB)

Councilmember Mathews asks for clarification on process. Warned by City staff about tainting the process
> Mathews/Sparacino/Riley's comments discouraging non-applicant issue. (3 minutes - 1.5MB)
Mathews Asks if Alternative Land Use will be heard
> Riley responds that "only those applications that have the signature of the property owner are considered a valid application by the City Council..." (30 sec - 200KB)
Councilmember Kennedy makes a motion to hear the presentation
>Motion made and seconded (49 sec - 500KB)
Mayor Mahan has serious concerns with the motion
>Process is getting subverted (2 minutes - 1MB)

Frank Freedman Asking for Council Consideration
>Freedman's comments (2 minutes - 1MB)

Steve Hazel making general comments
>Hazel's comments (3 minutes - 1.5MB)
Councilmember Kolstad agreeing with City Staff
>Kolstad comments (1 minute - 500KB)

Councilmember Mathews trying to compromise
>Mathews comments (1 minute - 400KB)

Mayor Mahan says it subverts existing process. Says SummerHill and other stake holders need opportunity to speak
>Mahan subversion comments (1.5 minute - 2MB)

Councilmember Mathews changes his mind.....
Motion Fails 4-2, Kennedy/Moore supports

>Mathews comments (1 minute - 500KB)

Entire video of the relevant parts of the meeting:
Click here to see complete video (23 minutes - 12MB)

Videos require: Microsoft Window Media

For comments or questions, please email us at: info@savebarec.org or call 888-BAREC-80 (888-227-3280).
This is a project of VIVA (Valley Initiative for Values in Urban Agriculture and Horticulture) and SaveBAREC